
you wouldnt believe how hard it was for me to reclaim this blog. total time elapsed? about 13 solid minutes. on the internet? that is rediculous. but i found it, so all is good.

so, today is saturday, yesterday i spent the entire day on my feet. It was insane, although i saw almost every single person that i know whom live in edmonton. AND i bought the movie stardust! its sooo good. everyone will love it. everyone!

anyways, fun stuff? i haven't gotten dressed today. its totally rad. i'm way happy that Lane and I moved the furniture around, the couch that i'm lounging on right now is awesomer than the one that was here previously.

we need a roommate. i have been trying my best, putting ads up on websites, answering emails, showing the place... and still... no one really wants to move in with us. is it because we're a couple? does that weird people out? but honestly, like 80% of roommates have their respective, regular, sleepover partners! What is so different about this? maybe its the place itself? could be our furniture isn't as cool as they wished it was, maybe our attitudes don't align, i don't know. all i know is that we need another person to share the rent. i pay 400 a month, lanes parents pitch in his 400 dollars a month, and at the moment my parents are paying 800 dollars a month because we dont have a roommate! AHH that is too much.

ok, dont feel like writing more...

1 comment:

To town! said...

what a deadbeat. /comment.